You have
You are harvesting
Corpse production disabled due to Astral Enslavement. |
You have formed
You have exterminated
You have {{ formatWhole(getNumAchievements()) }} achievements and {{ formatWhole(getNumAchRows()) }} completed achievement rows, giving a {{ formatUnitRow2(getAchievementBoost()) }}x bonus to corpse gain.
Your unholy hordes have forged
You are gaining
You will keep
You can now force the dead you harvest to work for your rapidly growing empire. While Astral Enslavement is active, time goes 10x slower,
and you won't gain any corpses; instead, those tortured, miasmic souls will suffer tirelessly making bricks for your most unholy of foundations. |
World Prestige resets your Astral Bricks and building resources,
but not built buildings or purchased upgrades. |
You have
Your Refinery is level
You have |
Assign Emitters:invalid entry. amount set to last good value: {{ player.emittersAmount }} |
You have
You have achieved
All effects based on total galaxies are softcapped at